DJ equipment
The set-up

The setup is fully self-contained with dedicated stand and starcloth frontage.
Everything is is presented to be neat and tidy with no or few wires visible. Any cables running along the floor are placed underneath cable covers or taped down approprately to avoid tripping hazards. External wires are usually the mains and speaker cables. Velco cable-ties are used to hold all cabling down to the stand and overhead lighting bar.
The photo to the right shows a typical setup, where cables running along the floor are covered by floor-cable tidies.
Playout equipment

This comprises of a mixture of equipment, including a dedicated Denon DJ Media player, high-quality dedicated sound-card and laptop running Traktor Pro software.
I have two "performance gear" grade Shure Microphones. One of these is a wireless radio microphone and is available on request for wedding speeches and guest interraction.

The main PA itself comprises of a Peavey Speaker System, including two main speakers (also known as "tops"), and a powered sub-woofer. The sub-woofer is usually only required at larger functions (approximately over 100 guests), and for younger birthday parties (18ths & 21sts).
A dedicated crossover unit is used to split frequencies between the "tops" and the sub-woofer, and allows fine-tuning of the sound.
The speakers are powered by an amplifier, of which a second amplifier is also carried as a backup, in case anything should happen to the main one during your function.

At the last count, I had over 13,000 different tracks held on a music database. The range varies from 50s Rock 'n' Roll, through various genres (e.g. Motown, Disco, etc.) to the Current Charts.
I regularly update the music collection, through industry recognised DJ promo CD services to keep on top of the charts. I am currently adding to my 50s/60s/70s music back catalogue.
All music is 100% legally obtained and owned by myself.

Lighting consists of high-quality overhead projector-type lighting and is selected according to your requirements, size of venue and dance floor coverage.
All lighting is programmed and controlled by computer and appropriately sequenced together, and also allows movements and colours to be selected appropriately. For example, if you're having your First Dance at your Wedding, then slow twists, movements and single/dual colours/gobo's are more suited, wheras later in the vening lighting would be sequenced to "step" in time with the music.